Dsc07480 Marine Reveilhac HdDsc07480 Marine Reveilhac Hd
©Dsc07480 Marine Reveilhac Hd|Marine Reveilhac

Events in Nouméa

A cosmopolitan and dynamic city in the heart of the South Pacific, Nouméa offers events throughout the year. Whether with family, friends, for entertainment, or to amuse the little ones, numerous activities are regularly organized.

Starting in January, the city comes alive with “A Summer at the Movies,” featuring free outdoor movie screenings for the whole family. With over 30 free and supervised activities, “A Summer in Nouméa” typically runs from early January to early February, aiming to entertain the younger crowd.

As the year-end holidays approach, Nouméa lights up with the incredible Nouméa Féerie, enchanting thousands of visitors each year with magical decorations, activities for the whole family, and even a dive into the frosty world of Santa’s land.

Follow the event calendar so you don’t miss a thing!

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