Published on 25 April 2023 Project for an unprecedented Hub for tourism

Sud Tourisme Nouvelle-Calédonie, as the attraction agency for the entire destination in the South Province, has among its responsibilities the structuring of the tourism offering, support for service providers, promotion and marketing of the offering as well as facilitating the visitor experience.

Assembling more than 80% of New Caledonia’s tourism offering, its ambition is to create a digital hub for the tourism ecosystem to meet the institution’s economic development challenges.

After several months of defining the sector’s needs and expectations, as well as the scope of this large-scale project, Sud Tourisme Nouvelle-Calédonie is today publishing 2 invitations to tender in order to select the technical service providers who will be able to support it in putting this unprecedented platform at the service of tourism into production.


Technical invitation to tender divided into 3 lots: on the public procurement platform
Application deadline 27/06/2023 at noon (NC time)


Tender for project management assistance: details here
Application deadline 05/31/2023 at noon (NC time)


