A new stage in the construction of the Tourism Hub 🚀
We’re making great strides towards selecting the best technical providers to participate in the construction of this unique project! Following the first tender committee, a direct negotiation process will allow us to shape the initial scope of the project and align the most suitable technical possibilities with our ambitions. The consultation is divided into three technical lots that bidders can address individually or in groups:
- Lot 1 #Distri: Includes commercial solutions, business tools for each sector, and the payment solution.
- Lot 2 #Web: Encompasses a redesign of the website including commercialization, a B2B space, and a new ergonomics focused on mobile usage.
- Lot 3 #CRM: Builds customer relationship management around tools for analyzing customer journeys and targeted actions.
Available on the public procurement platform: https://portail.marchespublics.nc/app.php/entreprise/consultation/1041?orgAcronyme=z0e
Closing on 04/10/2023 at 12:00 (NC time – GMT +11)